Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ten Tally Marks!

When our class does a great job at following directions or at doing a nice job in the hallways so other classes can learn, we earn a tally mark.
When we get to ten tally marks, we earn a class reward!

Sometimes we get to take off our shoes for the day, sometimes we get free time to play or draw, and today we are having a popcorn party!

Here we are watching our video and chomping away happily:


  1. Hey! I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award but see it in your awards already so consider this an "I second that" :)! Stop by my blog to see your name in lights anyways.
    Sent From My iPad


  2. Hi...I just saw that Nikki beat me to it, but I nominated you for the Liebster Award as well.

    Check out my post here: http://flamingosandbutterflies.blogspot.com/2012/11/liebster.html


    Flamingos and Butterflies

  3. Thanks, ladies, and OOPS on posting this blog post to the WRONG BLOG, lol! This was supposed to go on our classroom blog! Ay yi yi! Is it winter break yet? ;)

  4. I just found you through the Liebster Awards and I am glad I did! I am your newest follower!
