Thursday, October 23, 2014

Classroom Tour, 3rd Grade, 2014-2015

So...yeah.  I've been MIA.  For like, EVER.  Sorry about that.  I like, got pregnant.  Yeah.  That's my excuse for everything these days, because I'm 30 weeks now.  Lol.  Preggo brain.

But anyway, thought I'd come back and try to start posting again.  I have so much to say and to share!

I actually looped up with my class this year, so I have 16 of the same kiddos and 2 new ones and am teaching 3rd grade.  It has been an AWESOME transition and a great experience so far.  I am just loving it.

Check out some pictures from our room this year.

"Every Birdie's Welcome in Our Nest."  :)
View from the door.  I should really make the front of my desk cute.
Oh well.  Love my new rug from Ikea!

This pic is from our Meet the Teacher Night--the chalkboard is now all decked out!
The Good Morning section holds our Target Reading, used as part of our morning routine.
Then there is a section called Scientist Chat where I ask questions and learners can add their thoughts and comments.  Then next to that, there's a Wonder Board.  Some QR codes scan to certain videos and articles on Wonderopolis, and the learners can add their own "I Wonders."  Which reminds me, I need to read their wonders and try to post some QR codes for them to explore!  :)

Yep.  Our character board still says 2A.
We are now 3E.  Whoops.  ;)

Fiction section of our classroom library.
On the top, I "spotlight" particular books:  seasonal or books that tie in with our current learning topics.

Cubby tags.  :)

Our What Stuck With You Today board has been a big hit.
There's now a numbered grid, and each day before packing up to go home,
the learners jot down one or two things that "stuck" with them from that day and 
stick their post-it notes on the board.
I type in their thoughts on Answer Garden throughout the week,
and then I turn the Answer Garden cloud into a Wordle and share it on Twitter,
print it out for the kiddos to see in the hallway.
This week, we took the Cogat test, and I had them share
what part of the test was easiest for them/what their brain was best at
(working with words, working with numbers, or working with pictures).
I can't wait to read what they wrote!

Our Project Based Learning Board.
It is now constantly filled to the brim!
We just finished a project where the learners groups' chose a state in the
Northeast Region and planned a potential trip for one of our teacher's sister and her husband.
They researched landforms and natural resources in their states, the local climate,
and they planned out fun outdoor activities.

Then most recently, they created raps and illustrations to teach
the 2nd graders how to subtract with regrouping.  So fun to see them 
improving in their cooperation, communication, and critical thinking.

My desk.  It's way messier than this now.  :/

Must do/May do board.  Love this.

I love my daily drawers.  :)

Non-fiction section and my tall bookshelf with teacher editions
and more read alouds.  :)

Um...last year, that blank wall space was covered by bookshelves.
This year, I meant to continue the green & the border all the way down.
But uh...we're 9 weeks into the year, and it still looks like this.  LOL.
I guess you could say I've got bigger fish to fry.

And our hallway display!  I wish the lighting wasn't so awful.
This is also where I display their What Stuck With Us word clouds.

Hope you enjoyed the pseudo-classroom tour.
Hope you all are having a wonderful school year so far!

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